Nadolol: an essential aid against hypertension


Nadolol is part of a class of drugs called beta-blockers. It is used, alone or in combination with other drugs, to treat hypertension, prevent angina pectoris, and, in some cases, prevent migraine headaches. The active ingredient in this drug works by relaxing blood vessels, slowing the heart rate to improve blood flow, and consequently reducing blood pressure.

Nadolol: what is it, and what is it used for?

This is a vital medication to combat high blood pressure, a common condition that, if left untreated, can cause damage to the brain, heart, blood vessels, kidneys, and other body parts. Damage to these organs can lead to several severe complications and diseases, such as heart attack, heart failure, stroke, kidney failure, vision loss, and other problems.

Beyond that, Nadolol is critical for those with a heart muscle disease called hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy and for those with genetic abnormalities that cause irregular heart rhythms and predispose them to the risk of sudden death, such as long QT syndrome.

Nadolol is, therefore, a widely sought-after drug that is a true lifesaver for many people. For this reason, it is essential to rely on certified distributors and manufacturers who comply with all the necessary requirements for export abroad, including from non-EU countries.

Nadolol: mechanism of action of the active ingredient

The active ingredient in Nadolol acts by inhibiting beta-adrenergic receptors. These receptors cause the release of adrenaline and noradrenaline in the sympathetic and parasympathetic autonomic nervous system in response to certain stimuli. 

Based on their distribution in tissues and the characteristics of their structure, they are divided into α (alpha) and β (beta) receptors. Their action regulates heart rate and blood pressure, which is key in controlling and managing heart disease. Like all beta-blocker drugs, Nadolol acts on ß1 and ß2 receptors, preventing excessively slow heart rhythms (intrinsic sympathomimetic activity) and cardiac arrhythmias; it also has competitive or antagonistic activity against α receptors.

Beta-blocker drugs can influence the heart’s contraction force and heart rate. They also stimulate secondary pathways that regulate blood pressure and vasodilation by interacting with the renin-angiotensin system (a hormonal mechanism that regulates blood pressure located at the renal level) or by releasing nitric oxide, a potent vasodilator.

The availability of Nadolol

Demand for Nadolol is always substantial because of its great utility for several common ailments globally; suffice it to say that cardiovascular disease was the cause of 19.8 million deaths worldwide in 2022. This is an important but declining number compared to the past.

Because of what has just been stated, the Nadolol shortage means an emergency for many people. As of November 2023, there has been a shortage of drug availability in Italy and France due to a series of production problems. For this reason, the Italian Medicines Agency’s (AIFA) Office of Product Quality and Countering Pharmaceutical Crime (Ufficio Qualità dei Prodotti e Contrasto al Crimine Farmaceutico) intervened in Italy and requested the drug be distributed on a quota basis. This action was necessary to prevent possible hoarding, and simultaneously, the importation of similar drugs previously not allowed in Italy was authorized. The situation remained precarious until March 8, 2024.

These kinds of shortages create challenging situations. For this reason, constant support at all stages, from drug scouting to transportation to delivery, is important so that the process is monitored in all aspects and any inconveniences can be managed.

How to use Nadolol and what are the main side effects

Nadolol is generally taken by mouth in tablets. It is usually taken once a day with or without food, following the instructions of the treating physician, and it is advisable always to take it at the same time. It is best not to stop taking Nadolol, as irregular intake can trigger the same heart problems for which the drug is prescribed.

Nadolol was well tolerated in most clinical trials, with minimal side effects. The most common adverse effects are drowsiness and insomnia. In general, the side effects of Nadolol are mainly due to its action on beta-2 receptors. However, if abnormal symptoms are noticed, the patient should inform his or her physician.

Nadololo Nadolol

Nadololo: Flarer’s role

At Flarer, we have procurement contacts for Nadolol with partners recognized by EDQM and supported by CEP. Thanks to a strong supply and distribution network, we are able to manage the research and dissemination of this active ingredient across the board, aware of its fundamental role in the treatment of cardiovascular disease. Our company has grown over the years by developing our know-how and consolidating a network of more than 100 partnerships with quality-certified companies. This allows us to manage the scouting, transportation, and supply of a broad portfolio of APIs.

For more information about our services and product portfolio, contact our consultants, who will develop the solution that is best suited to your needs step by step.

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