I grew up on the shores of Lake Lugano, where I started my business while still attending high school. At that time, I realized the importance of feeling fulfilled by one’s business. Upon completing my studies, I began my career path in the pharmaceutical world and later explored other fields. I always believed that interacting with different worlds could help me find innovative ways of working that were useful for personal and professional team growth. I have been fortunate to find many opportunities along the way.
Since 2013, I have been the administrator of Flarer, which has since evolved as I never thought possible.
I have learned a lot about my path thanks to the people who work with me, and this has given me the impetus to start new entrepreneurial activities always with the desire to improve and find new ways to help others. I enjoy playing, singing, and creating music when I am not busy with work activities. Also, on Sundays, I occasionally despair for a couple of hours watching the Formula 1 championship.